When to choose useReducer vs useState

Thuong To
2 min readAug 2, 2023


The useState hook is best used on less complex data.

While it’s possible to use any kind of a data structure when working with useState, it’s better to use it with primitive data types, such as strings, numbers, or booleans.

The useReducer hook is best used on more complex data, specifically, arrays or objects.

While this rule is simple enough, there are situations where you might be working with a simple object and still decide to use the useState hook.

Such a decision might stem from the simple fact that working with useState can sometimes feel easier than thinking about how the state is controlled when working with useReducer.

It might help conceptualizing this dilemma as a gradual scale, on the left side of which, there is the useState hook with primitive data types and simple use cases, such as toggling a variable on or off.

At the end of this spectrum, there is the useReducer hook used to control state of large state-holding objects.

There’s no clear-cut point on this spectrum, at which point you would decide: “If my state object has three or more properties, I’ll use the useReducer hook”.

Sometimes such a statement might make sense, and other times it might not.

What’s important to remember is to keep your code simple to understand, collaborate on, contribute to, and build from.

One negative characteristic of useState is that it often gets hard to maintain as the state gets more complex.

On the flip side, a negative characteristic of useReducer is that it requires more prep work to begin with. There’s more setup involved. However, once this setup is completed, it gets easier to extend the code based on new requirements.


You learned about the decision-making process when choosing between useReducer and useState for working with different types of data.



Thuong To
Thuong To

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