In this exercise, you will create the IAM roles that are needed to complete the exercise. You will launch an EC2 instance and install the CodeDeploy agent onto that instance.
Task 1: Setting up IAM
In this task, you create the required IAM roles and assign the necessary permissions to them.
- In the AWS Management Console, choose Services, and search for and open IAM.
- In the navigation pane, choose Roles and then choose Create role.
- In the Create role page, configure the following settings.
- Select type of trusted entity: Keep AWS service selected
- Choose a use case: CodeDeploy
- Select your use case: CodeDeploy
4. Choose Next: Permissions.
5. Skip the Attached permissions policies and Add tags (optional) pages by choosing Next: Tags and then choosing Next: Review.
6. For Role name, enter CodeDeployServiceRole
and choose Create role.
7. Create another role by choosing Create role and configuring these role settings.
- Select type of trusted entity: Again, keep AWS service selected
- Choose a use case: EC2
8. Choose Next: Permissions.
9. In the Filter policies search box, enter s3full
and select the AmazonS3FullAccess policy.
10. Search the policies again for ssmmanaged
and select the AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore policy.
11. Skip the next two pages by choosing Next: Tags and then choosing Next: Review.
12. For Role name, enter EC2S3FullAccess
and choose Create role.
Task 2: Setting up the EC2 instance
In this task, you configure and launch an EC2 instance to work with AWS Systems Manager Session Manager.
- In the console, choose Services, and search for and open EC2. Make sure you are in the Oregon (us-west-2) Region.
- In the navigation pane, choose Instances and then choose Launch instances.
- From the list of Amazon Machine Images (AMIs), select the Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type, and keep the t2.micro instance type selected.
- Choose Next: Configure Instance Details.
- In the Configure Instance Details page, configure the following settings, but keep the remaining default values.
- Auto-assign Public IP: Enable
- IAM role: EC2S3FullAccess
6. Choose Next: Add Storage and skip the Add Storage page by choosing Next: Add Tags.
7. Choose Add Tag and enter the following key-value pair.
- Key:
- Value:
8. Choose Next: Configure Security Group.
9. Configure the security group by selecting the following settings.
- Type: HTTP
- Source: Anywhere
10. Choose Review and Launch, and then choose Launch.
11. In the dialog box, select Proceed without a key pair, select the acknowledgement box, and choose Launch Instances.
12. In the Launch Status screen, open the list of EC2 instances by choosing the instance ID.
13. Wait for the Instance state column to change to Running and the Status check column to change to passed.
Task 3: Installing the CodeDeploy agent
In this task you, install the CodeDeploy agent onto the EC2 instance.
- From the list of instances, open the TEST-environment instance details by choosing the Instance ID link.
- In the instance summary, choose Connect.
- In Connect to instance, choose the Session Manager tab and then choose Connect.
- In the terminal window, install the CodeDeploy agent by running the following commands. Note: wget might already be installed.
sudo yum update -y
sudo yum install ruby -y
sudo yum install wget -y
5. Install the latest version of the agent.
cd ~
chmod +x ./install
sudo ./install auto
6. Verify that the agent is running.
sudo service codedeploy-agent status
Note: If the agent does not show as running, try the following commands
sudo service codedeploy-agent start
sudo service codedeploy-agent status
If you will work on the next exercise at a later time, you can choose to stop the instance so you don’t incur any additional cost. To stop the instance:
- In the Instances page, select the TEST-environment check box.
- From the Instance state menu, select Stop instance.
- You can restart the instance by choosing Instance state and selecting Start instance.
You will use this instance in the next exercise, where you will set up the CodeDeploy group and make some revisions to the code.