Creating an Amazon OpenSearch Service Cluster

Thuong To
12 min readDec 15, 2023


Your company is measuring the temperature of water in lakes, ponds, and streams around your area. They have deployed sensors to each body of water they are monitoring. The sensors can make HTTPS calls that include the sensor ID and temperature reading on the request payload. The plan is for the sensors to record temperature-reading data every 15 minutes. They will then upload the data to an AWS data lake, through an HTTPS request, for each 15-minute interval.

You are tasked with creating a way to ingest data into a data lake that’s hosted on AWS. The data lake uses Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) as the storage layer, and Amazon OpenSearch Service for index and search capabilities.

You will use Amazon API Gateway to ingest the data that is sent from the sensor, which invokes an AWS Lambda function. This Lambda function will take the payload of the request. First, it will write a file to an S3 bucket. The file name is a combination of the sensor ID and the timestamp. The file contents include the sensorID, the timestamp, and the temperature reading. The Lambda function will then load the record to OpenSearch Service.

This method of ingesting data has a relatively small payload for each individual record. However, potentially hundreds of sensors from the area might post data every 15 minutes, which could produce many records.

After the data is stored in Amazon S3, you could then use other analysis tools for various use cases. For example, you might have other weather-related data that you are ingesting by using another solution. You could combine that data with the sensor data to provide insights. Another example is that other people in the organization might want access to the raw data to do their own visualization or analysis by using the tools that they’re familiar with.

Data lake architectures often combine many different ingestion methods and analysis methods into one architecture. In this exercise, you will focus on one ingestion solution by using API Gateway and Lambda, and by using Amazon OpenSearch as the search and indexing solution. However, you could also use Amazon Kinesis for ingestion and AWS Glue for cataloging the data. You will learn about these services in more depth in future lessons. One AWS service isn’t any better than another AWS service. Instead, some services best fit certain use cases — and you can decide which services you want to use in your data lake designs.

Setting up

In this exercise, you will ingest mock data into a data lake. Download the following .zip file that contains sample data: upload-data. You will use the file for the Lambda function in the following task.

Before you begin ingesting data into a data lake, you must create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role. An IAM role defines specific account permissions, or what you can or can’t do in the AWS Cloud.

To complete instructions in this exercise, you must grant full access permissions to Amazon S3 and Amazon OpenSearch Services.

  1. In the AWS Management Console menu bar, in the search box, enter IAM and then open the IAM dashboard by choosing IAM.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Roles.
  3. Choose Create role.
  4. For Use case, select Lambda and then choose Next.
  5. In the Permissions policies search box, enter AmazonS3 and press Enter.
  6. From the list of results, select AmazonS3FullAccess.
  7. Clear the AmazonS3 filter.
  8. In the search box, enter AmazonES and press Enter.
  9. Select AmazonESFullAccess and then choose Next.
  10. For Role name, paste data-lake-week-2.
  11. Choose Create role.

Task 1: Creating an Amazon OpenSearch Service cluster

You will use OpenSearch Service for its cataloging and indexing capabilities. Before you start ingesting documents to your OpenSearch Service domain, you must create a domain. You could also use AWS Glue for cataloging your data. However, you will explore AWS Glue in a future lesson.

In this task, you create an OpenSearch Service domain.

01. Choose Services, and search for and open Amazon OpenSearch Service.

02. Choose Create domain and configure the following settings.

  • Domain name: water-temp-domain
  • Deployment type: Development and testing
  • Version: Choose the latest version of OpenSearch
  • Data nodes, Instance type:
  • Network: Public access
  • Enable fine-grained access control: Clear this setting
  • Access policy, Domain access policy: Configure domain level access policy

In the Elements section, you can configure a principal that is allowed to access the domain. Use your IPv4 address to restrict access to the OpenSearch Service domain.

03. First, find your IPv4 address by using an online lookup service (such as What Is My IP) and note your IPv4 address.

04. In the Elements section, configure the following settings.

  • Type: IPv4 address
  • Principal: Replace the asterisk (*) with your IPv4 address
  • Action: Allow

05. Choose the JSON tab and note that the policy only allows your IPv4 address to access the OpenSearch Service domain:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "*"
"Action": [
"Resource": "arn:aws:es:us-east-1:000000000000:domain/water-temp-domain/*",
"Condition": {
"IpAddress": {
"aws:SourceIp": [

06. Choose Create.

Note: The domain-creation process can take up to 15 minutes to complete.

Task 2: Creating an S3 bucket

In this task, you create an object storage bucket for the data that’s collected from sensors.

In this exercise, you use OpenSearch Service for one specific use case. Though you will load your data into OpenSearch Service, Amazon S3 will serve as the storage layer for your data lake. The idea is that you likely have multiple use cases for the data in a data lake. Each use case uses its own set of appropriate services and tooling. By storing the raw data in Amazon S3, the data is then accessible for many use cases and various services.

To create an S3 bucket:

01. Choose Services, and search for and open S3.

02. Choose Create bucket.

03. Enter a bucket name.

The bucket name must be globally unique and DNS compliant. You can name the bucket similar to the following example by using your initials for the FMI, which stands for Fill Me In. When you replace the FMI with your own value, make sure that you also delete the angle brackets (<>).


Note: If bucket name isn’t available after you add your initials, add some numbers to the end of the name.




04. For AWS Region, the selected Region should be US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1.

The bucket Region should be the same Region that your OpenSearch Service cluster is in.

05. Choose Create bucket.

06. Note the name of your S3 bucket. You will need to use its name in future steps.

You now have an S3 bucket that is the storage layer for your data lake. In a later task, you modify the bucket access policy so that Lambda can write files to the bucket. You will learn about bucket access policies in future lessons.

Task 3: Creating the Lambda function

AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service. The code that you upload to a Lambda function doesn’t run continually. Instead, it runs when an event occurs.

In this task, the code for the Lambda function is already written. However, you need to create and configure the Lambda function.

The Lambda function first captures the data that is in the payload of the incoming request. Next, it uploads a JSON document to Amazon S3. Finally, the Lambda function uploads the document to OpenSearch Service.

To create the Lambda function:

01. Choose Services, and search for and open Lambda.

02. Choose Create function and configure the following settings.

  • Author from scratch: Keep this option selected
  • Function name: upload-data
  • Runtime: Select the latest supported version of Python
  • Permissions: Expand Change default execution role
  • Execution role: Use an existing role
  • Existing role: data-lake-week-2

The Lambda function you create needs access to permissions to sign API calls that write to Amazon S3 and OpenSearch Service.

03. Choose Create function.

04. Scroll to the Code tab.

05. From the Upload from menu, choose .zip file.

06. Choose Upload.

07. Browse to where you saved the file, choose the file, and choose Open.

08. Back in the Upload a .zip file dialog box, choose Save.

09. In the Code tab, scroll to Runtime settings and choose Edit.

10. In the Handler box, replace the existing value with lambda.handler and choose Save.

11. Choose the Configuration tab.

12. On the tab menu, choose Environment variables and then choose Edit.

13. Choose Add environment variable and configure the following settings.

  • Key: S3_BUCKET
  • Value: Paste your bucket name



14. Choose Save.

You can use environment variables to adjust your function’s behavior without updating code. In a future step, you will add another environment variable for the OpenSearch Service domain.

15. In the Configuration tab menu, choose Permissions.

16. Under Role name, choose the data-lake-week-2 link.

Note: This action opens the IAM console in a separate window.

17. Copy the role Amazon Resource Name (ARN), which should look similar to the following example:


You need this ARN for the following task.

Task 4: Modifying the S3 bucket policy and OpenSearch Service cluster for Lambda access

The Lambda function writes data to the S3 bucket. You already associated an IAM role with the Lambda function in the Setting up section. However, the role by itself won’t allow access. You must also modify the S3 bucket policy, which determines whether AWS principals are allowed or denied access to the bucket.

01. Return to the Amazon S3 console.

02. Open the bucket that you created previously in this exercise.

03. Choose the Permissions tab, scroll to Bucket policy, and choose Edit.

04. In the following JSON code, replace the first FMI with the Lambda role ARN:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Id": "ExamplePolicy",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "ExampleStmt",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "<FMI>"
"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": "<FMI>/*"


        "Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/data-lake-week-2"

05. Replace the second FMI with the ARN of your bucket:


          "Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::datalakes-week2-emr/*"

06. In the Bucket policy editor, paste the bucket policy that you configured.

This policy allows the Lambda function to upload the temperature files to your bucket. The final policy should look similar to the following example, but with your account number and bucket name:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Id": "ExamplePolicy",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "ExampleStmt",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::xxxxxxxxxxxx:role/data-lake-week-2"
"Action": "s3:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::datalakes-week2-xxx/*"

07. Choose Save changes.

08. Return to the OpenSearch Service console.

09. Choose water-temp-domain.

The Domain status should now say “Active.” If not, wait a few minutes and refresh the page until the status is “Active.”

Note: Make sure that you are in the N. Virginia Region.

11. Note the Domain endpoint, which should look similar tp the following example:

12. Scroll to Access policy and review the policy.

Currently, the policy restricts access by IP address. The current policy should look similar to the following example:


"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "*"
"Action": "es:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:es:us-east-1:000000000000:domain/water-temp-domain/*",
"Condition": {
"IpAddress": {
"aws:SourceIp": "x.x.x.x"

13. The Lambda function should also have access to the domain, so you will add it in the following step.

Add Lambda access to the policy and update values with your account number.

The policy must look similar to the following example, but with your account number and IP address:

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "*"
"Action": "es:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:es:us-east-1:000000000000:domain/water-temp-domain/*",
"Condition": {
"IpAddress": {
"aws:SourceIp": "x.x.x.x"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::000000000000:role/data-lake-week-2"
"Action": "es:*",
"Resource": "arn:aws:es:us-east-1:000000000000:domain/water-temp-domain/*"

14. Choose Save changes.

Task 5: Modifying the Lambda function and creating an API Gateway endpoint

You now have an OpenSearch Service domain and an S3 bucket. You need to modify one final thing for the Lambda function to work.

After the Lambda function is configured, you need a way to run the function. Lambda functions run based on events. In this case, the sensors that record the temperature data make HTTPS POST requests, with the data in the payload. You use API Gateway to create an API endpoint that receives the HTTPS POST requests. After API Gateway receives and validates the request, it invokes the Lambda function and passes the information to it. The Lambda function then writes the data to Amazon S3 and OpenSearch Service.

Step 5.1: Adding a new environment variable to Lambda

01. Return to the Lambda console.

02. Choose the upload-data function and then choose the Configuration tab.

03. On the tab menu, choose Environment variables and then choose Edit.

04. Choose Add environment variable and configure the following settings.

  • Value: Paste the OpenSearch Service domain endpoint that you noted previously.

It should look similar to the following example:

Ensure that the OpenSearch Service domain endpoint doesn’t have a slash (/) at the end.

05. Choose Save.

Step 5.2: Creating a REST API

After you set up the variable for OpenSearch Service, you create a REST API in Amazon API Gateway to receive data from the sensors. In this exercise, you manually enter test data to simulate requests from the sensors.

01. Choose Services, and search for and open API Gateway.

02. On the REST API card, choose Build.

03. If needed, close the Create your first API dialog box by choosing OK.

04. For Create new API, select New API.

05. In the API name box, paste sensor-data and choose Create API.

06. In the Resources pane, on the Actions menu, choose Create Method.

07. On the dropdown menu, choose POST, and confirm your selection by choosing the checkmark.

08. In the POST — Setup pane, keep the Integration type setting at Lambda Function.

09. In the Lambda Function box, enter upload-data and select it when it appears.

10. Choose Save, and in the Add Permission to Lambda Function dialog box, choose OK.

11. In the POST — Method Execution pane, choose TEST.

12. Scroll to the Request Body box and paste the following JSON code:

"sensorID" : "0025",
"temperature" : "67"

13. Choose Test. In the Response Body section, you should see a response similar to the following example:

"Response": "Data Uploaded",
"sensorID": "0025",
"temperature": "67"

This test simulates the POST request that would come in from different IoT sensors.

Task 6: Checking OpenSearch Service for data

In this task, you use the OpenSearch Service domain to search your data from the browser by submitting a GET request.

You need your OpenSearch Service domain URL, which you noted previously, to replace the FMI.

01. Open a text editor of your choice, and paste the following text into the editor.


02. Replace the FMI with your OpenSearch Service domain URL.

Note: When you replace the FMI with your own value, make sure that you also remove the angle brackets (<>).

Example: the search URL and in a new browser tab, paste the URL.

03. Copy the search URL and in a new browser tab, paste the URL.

You should be able to see some test index data that’s being returned.

04. (Optional) You can run a few more tests in the API Gateway test feature by using different values for sensorID and temperature.

For example, you could paste the following example into the Request Body box, and then choose Test.

"sensorID" : "0026",
"temperature" : "70"

05. Return to the Amazon S3 console and open your bucket.

You should see several .json files.

06. Download one of the files and review its contents.

The file should contain the test data that was sent through the API Gateway endpoint, similar to the following example:

{"sensorID": "0026", "timestamp": "20201019153601", "temperature": "70"}

In the real world, your data wouldn’t originate from API Gateway. Instead, it would come from a fleet of sensors and devices. By testing with API Gateway, you can generate a POST request as if it was coming from outside AWS. In a real-world setting, API Gateway would accept the requests from an external device, and then invoke the backend.

By creating the OpenSearch Service domain, you also now have access to Kibana. You can explore Kibana to view and analyze the data that’s loaded into the OpenSearch Service domain.

Cleaning up

In this task, you delete the resources that you created for this exercise.

01. Delete the IAM role.

  • Open the IAM console.
  • In the navigation pane, choose Roles.
  • In the Search box, enter data-lake-week-2.
  • Delete the data-lake-week-2 role and confirm the deletion.

02. Delete the OpenSearch Service domain.

  • Open the OpenSearch Service console.
  • Delete water-temp-domain and confirm the deletion.

03. Delete the Amazon S3 bucket.

  • Open the Amazon S3 console.
  • Empty and delete the bucket that you created for this exercise, and confirm its deletion.

04. Delete the Lambda function.

  • Open the AWS Lambda console.
  • Delete upload-data and confirm the deletion.

05. Delete the API Gateway endpoint.

  • Open the API Gateway console.
  • Delete sensor-data and confirm the deletion.



Thuong To
Thuong To

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