AWS Whitepapers and FAQs

Thuong To
Dec 22, 2023


Get to know AWS services and best practices by exploring AWS whitepapers and FAQs relevant to your exam.


AWS Well-Architected Framework


– This whitepaper is my absolute favorite and one of the most important papers that you should study for the exam. It discusses the different pillars that make up a well-architected cloud environment. Expect the scenarios in your exam to be heavily based upon these pillars and dive deep into each pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework.

AWS Security Best Practices — This whitepaper is also an important paper for the exam. It discusses the different pillars that make up a well-architected cloud environment. Expect the scenarios in the exam to be heavily based upon these pillars, and study the pillars carefully.




Thuong To
Thuong To

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